Rich Toward God

June 23, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Luke 12:13-21

Being rich in this world is a relative term. Having a dollar here is considered rich in a third-world country. If you think for one minute that anything in this world makes you rich according to God then you’re badly mistaken. 

If you’re chasing the things of this world then you’re after something that God doesn’t approve of. He doesn’t take second place to anyone or anything. God isn’t interested in the things of this world and what you may have. Bank accounts, a large house, multiple cars, a nice car, or other earthly possessions. God doesn’t care about those things. 

What worth is the love of God? What worth is your soul and its being saved from Hell? 

God knows what you need and what your problems are before you come to Him. If you had cancer and a man stood in front of you with the cure, would you take it or want it? Of course, you would want that cure for that disease. Jesus stands before you and offers the escape from going to Hell, why won’t you want that?

Just because a person has something in this world doesn’t mean that God has blessed them. We live in a wicked world and it’s full of it. Riches are keeping people from looking towards God. A child has nothing to their name and likely hasn’t done many bad things or the experiences of the world. They are more likely to be saved and trust in Jesus than an adult because they don’t battle with the world like an adult. 

The things of this world will only bring happiness for just a little while. That nice new care will get old quick. That large-screen TV will soon be smaller than the one you had. That $100 you have is nice at first but you’ll need another $100 soon enough. All of these things bring happiness at first but become old and boring in the end. 

Do you think your wealth impresses God? He used the things that we consider priceless as standard building materials. Streets are so pure of gold that they look like glass, gates of solid pearl, etc. God owns all of these things and if you trust in them over Him then you’ll miss Heaven altogether. Put your trust in the creator and not the creation. 

Can rich people be saved?
Zacchaeus was a tax collector and gave his money away after seeking Jesus.
Joseph of Arimathea gave his tomb for Jesus to lay. Only used one time and not for the owner.
Nicodemus put his money where his heart was.
A small lad had a few fish and some bread for his lunch. Jesus wanted his lunch. Are you willing to give everything you have to Jesus?