Remember Why We Do What We Do

June 30, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Revelation 2:1-5

Your challenge is, where are you with the Lord? For every person who’s been lost and then saved, God came to them while in their sin and invited them to be cleaned. 

One problem with the church (Christian) is that they slip. They allow the things of this world to come into their lives and they slip and forget about God. Not one person can’t go through a single day without the evil of this world affecting them somehow. One might think they are as close as they can be to Jesus Christ. This isn’t true because there isn’t a single person who couldn’t get closer than they are. Once you get saved then it’s like you’re walking on cloud nine. But just as soon as you stand up, the evil starts its job of trying to pull you away from God. Many people work and work hard doing things they think are for God. Yet, if they are doing it for themselves or just to be doing it they’ve tricked themselves and God will not honor it, no matter how hard they’ve worked.

God is so good. He’s blessed us with a roof, a dry place to sleep, gentle protection, abundant food, etc. God made a promise that He would always provide. We have never earned what God has done for us. Some don’t have a roof or food and most of the time it’s because they’ve left God and they made a choice to continue in that path. The prodigal son left his father, the person who gave him everything and went out to live his own life. Soon enough he remembered what he left and went back to his father.  Stop telling yourself that the world has something to offer better than your Father has for you. 

When was the last time you experienced God in a big way? Have you forgotten God? Did you leave Him in your prayer closet? If you’ve forgotten what He’s done for you then how can your neighbor see them? 

Hebrews 12:5; Have you forgotten His instruction?
When you do something wrong against God and He chastises you, why do you pout about it? If He didn’t chastise you then it means He doesn’t love you or you’re not one of His. If you don’t believe in spanking your children then you need to read your bible more. God is constantly trying to remind you to stay on the straight and narrow path. Jude 1; there is a right way to go!

Have you fallen from your first love? One can’t fall from salvation, but one can backslide. A couple in love that used to sit next to each other in the truck traveling down the road got married. They continued to sit this way for some time until one day the woman asked the man why they moved apart and if they still loved each other. The man looked at his wife and told her, he wasn’t the one that moved. In your Christian life, God hasn’t moved, He’s still the driver. He’s never moved but we slipped and slid all over the place through our life. What did you choose yesterday in your life? Was your heart next to Jesus? Did you walk into church with a smile just to trick your neighbors?

Have you forgotten you’ve been saved, purged of your sins?
Ephesians 2:11-13
Some of us got what we got and little dap will do you. Are you looking? Do you even care? Have you forgotten what He brought you from? Take your spiritual temperature. Are you hot or cold?

Revelation 1:17-18