• September 16, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Topic: Beatitudes

    When one thinks of the leaders of the world, Meek is not a description to most all of them.   Matthew Henry:  The meek are those who quietly submit themselves to God, to his word and to his rod, who follow his directions, and comply with his designs, and are… read more

  • September 13, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Topic: Beatitudes

    In verse 4 we see an oddity. It’s the opposite of what we know. Mourning is often a sad time. There is not reference in the Bible where we see it noted that Christ laughed. However, we do see that Jesus often wept or mourned.   Psalms 51:17; How many… read more

  • September 13, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Topic: Beatitudes

    Blessed: Fully satisfied. Another word is happy but it is limited. We often when asked state that we are blessed. We think of those earthly things that we have, food, shelter, family, etc. However, the lost and saved alike usually have these things. Try not to water down the word,… read more

  • September 6, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Eight directives that Christ gave that were different than before. Very different than what most know today.    Paradox: a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense but perhaps true.   Jesus was introducing His earthly life as not a curse but a blessing. Right before Jesus… read more

  • September 2, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Matthew 5:1-2 If you follow Jesus you will learn some things. He is always teaching us things if we are willing to be taught.   Matthew 5:3-12 These are the beatitudes that Jesus preached. The key to these is that no one knew about them unless they were there with… read more

  • August 30, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    How to Know When Someones Saved? When the spirit bears witness. A testimony is great but it doesn’t mean much because anyone can have one.   Hebrews 3:6, 14   Once you’ve been saved, you’re always saved. One does get into Heaven because they persevere but because they are saved. … read more