• November 4, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Power in a person usually will bring forth a sinful nature and a great fall. It might seem that the enemy is great and it might seem that the evil forces are stronger but with God nothing can stand against Him.   In this historical story we see a king… read more

  • October 28, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Steven Howard

    In this story it was prior to Christ. Those that passed at that time and believed went into Paradise, Abraham’s bosom. Those that didn’t believe went into a place of great torments, Hell.   Each day we should remember what Christ has done for us. Eph 4:7, Christ gives those… read more

  • October 25, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Jeff Patton

    Christ is giving us an example of how we are to live our lives. We know that we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they stand for, we are to love them just as Christ loves them. Christ loved… read more

  • October 18, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Topic: Beatitudes

    Are you a Christian? Are you Born Again? Are you a Child of God?   Being born again means you ARE salt and light to the world.    Salt When something is seasoned right it makes it better. There are degrees of saltiness, yet it’s the same salt. What makes… read more

  • October 14, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Topic: Beatitudes

    Matthew 5:38-42; Retaliation:  We all at some point will endure persecution for Christs sake, it’s the response that’s important. We have no right to respond with revenge. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We’ve all heard this saying and it goes against Gods word. It’s… read more

  • October 11, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Topic: Beatitudes

    Anyone can be persecuted for just about anything. There was never a promise given to anything other than being persecuted for Christs sake. Most people in America have never been persecuted for Christ. There have been some that have been singled out for sure like those that have worn a… read more