• November 18, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    How would it be if with every prayer you said it actually was answered the way you asked it?    In this scripture we see a person that is desperate. If you’ve lived a life of a Christian and find yourself in a place where you just can’s see out… read more

  • November 15, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Just like the 6th commandment about killing someone, it goes beyond the physical part. God created men and He created women, male and female. This is a wonderful thing and ordained the institution of marriage between one man and one woman. Then humans took over and perverted this union with… read more

  • November 15, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    The commandments have a deeper meaning than just the outward act. Most look at the external part of the commandments. In this particular scripture we see Jesus deal with not only the external but the internal issue of murdering someone. God is after the heart and we are to love… read more

  • November 11, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Billy Hearon

    When we look around the world today we see Christians tending to fight against themselves or the wrong thing. God knows everything and He knows that when you fight against the wrong thing you’re fighting against Him.   We do not fight against the people, flesh but the spiritual, evil…. read more

  • November 8, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Steven Howard

    We as a Christian are above all laws of the world. Those laws that are given to a Christian is to love God with all your heart and to love others as yourself. He didn’t say to only love those that look like you or act like you. It’s to… read more

  • November 8, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Power in a person often ends in great pride and a horrible doom. In this story we see that Belshazzar knew what God was capable of and who He was, however, he did what he wanted. It was at the end of his life that he was told of his… read more