Are You A Liar?

June 30, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Matthew 16:26

Once you’ve been saved, you gain so many good things. These things can’t be numbered. Once you think you’ve got something good, it just gets better. 
On the other side, once saved you lose many things. Hell no longer has a hold on you. 
The relationship you didn’t have and couldn’t earn is given to you at the time of salvation. The door and bridge to everlasting life is Jesus Christ. A lot of people don’t want to acknowledge that most of their problems are brought on because of not being Christ’s. A lost person tries to look for peace in the worldly things of life but it’s like trying to hold sand in your hands. 

On the Titanic, they valued everything including the people. At the time of boarding, men dressed as women just to get on it because they wanted to be on this highly sought-after ship. In the end, what did it gain them?

Lies are what’s destroying the church today. People lie and say they love God yet there is no proof. Love your neighbor as yourself. People can’t even do this simplest of the commandments. You can lie to anyone and everyone but God. He knows the truth no matter how hard you try to hide it. 

The world has a saying, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. This isn’t biblical and just shows the selfishness and evil of the world. 

Acts 5; A lie that was told about selling property. Why did he lie? Self-edification. 

How many times have you prayed and done what you wanted? God never answered you yet you did something anyway. If He didn’t answer you then the answer is No. You take it upon yourself because of selfishness. 

In the Bible, we read that there is a time for everything under the sun.