A Mother’s Nurture & Admonition

May 12, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-4

It’s not a surprise that one of the most discussed topics is how to parent. Thousands of books have been written, yet we already have a book.

As a mother, do you think you are a good mother based on your abilities? How about how much you can provide? Are you good at nurturing? These things are good and welcoming but they are not the most important to children. When it comes to raising children it takes parents. The father should not excuse themselves from raising their children as they often do. It’s not just the mother’s responsibility. Ephesians 5:20-21, it’s made clear that it takes both to submit to each other.

Children should also obey their parents. It’s not about an opinion that what one feels is right but what God says is right. Honoring your parents is a commandment that should always be kept. This means that children should be raised properly according to God. A child brought up without God will be disrespectful to authority for the rest of their life. If they will not obey you as a parent then how will they obey God? The future of the world is how we raise our children today. If a parent doesn’t raise a child in a Godly path then the future will be Godless.

Nurture = discipline
We’ve tried to change the definition of nurture. As a mother, you should love your child enough to nurture them. A child needs help from their mother to show them the correct way to go. People try to make up their own way.

Admonition = warning
A Godly mother should not be afraid to warn their child that there are two paths, one of destruction and the other of life. There are consequences to sin regardless of what you think. Just as soon as a child begins to know the difference between right and wrong you should jump at teaching. You should teach them that there are consequences to bad choices. Every child has the opportunity to do good and likewise evil. Some people think that they should just let the school system teach them right from wrong. However, it’s not the school’s responsibility but the parents.

It’s not about stature, education, thought, or feelings. Being consistent and unwavering in how one lives.

The way one lives on Monday should be the same as how one lives on Sunday.  A commitment to live constantly to do God’s work and obey Him. The laws of God should be obeyed regardless of the day of the week.
Church attendance is taught by the parents who bring their children to church no matter what.
Praying in front of your children is important and it shows who your God is. Praying over each meal shows consistency.
Your speech also teaches your children where your heart is. Out of the mouth comes from the heart. The manner of speech on Monday should be the same as it is in church on Sunday. One can say they love Jesus all day long but if they live like the devil then their deeds out way their words.
Correcting should always be consistent. Proverbs 13:24; if you as a parent withhold correction then you hate your child. If you don’t teach your child that their sibling’s orange in the plate is not theirs then they will learn to steal.  Proverbs 29:15; Hebrews 12:5-6; Hebrews 12:11; correction and reproof are required of a parent to their children. God is the perfect example of a Heavenly Father and He knows what we need and when we need it. If He is the perfect example then we ought to follow His example.
Loving consistently should be a given. God’s love for us is unconditional. Ours should be no different than His. If you love someone then you will do whatever it takes to help them to do the right thing and go the right way.